13th January Manchester Museum "To Have and to Heal" on Zoom

Join Curator of Egyptology Dr Campbell Price, and Vicky Grant, Family Programme Coordinator from Manchester Museum for To Have & To Heal a unique new arts and wellbeing programme, which explores Manchester Museum’s World Class Egyptology collection and popular fascination with ancient Egypt, creating a safe space to share personal reflections or experiences, that some of the objects might prompt.

Using star objects from the museum’s collection, this session delves into ancient Egyptian beliefs about magical healing, and shows artefacts that were believed to bring the person protection in different aspects of their lives. From amulets worn as necklaces that were believed to heal to amulets that offered power and protection to the wearer.

The session sparks discussion and conversations around what brings us comfort, and how we can be kind to ourselves.

Participants are invited to bring along a personal object that they are comfortable to share that has brought them comfort during the pandemic.

Usually for our sessions we invite people to join in from 10.30am for an informal chat but in order to enable the facilitators to get set up and ready we will only be admitting people a few minutes (probably 5) before the session starts although you will be able to join the waiting room before then. Numbers are limited to 20 and will be on a first come first served basis although we really do not expect anyone will miss out as the numbers for our recent sessions have been in the 14-18 range and it would be easy for someone on the committee to bow out if absolutely needed. So please do not feel that there is not a space for you as there almost certainly will be if you join the meeting before it starts. We might not be able to easily add latecomers so please come in early to avoid potential disappointment.

As usual you do not need to have your camera on if you do not wish, nor do you need to be dressed or sitting up. We will be pleased to see you however you are able to join in.

Zoom are

Stockport ME Group is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Stockport ME Group’s Zoom Meeting with Manchester Museum
Time: Jan 13, 2023 11:00 London

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