14th February Friday Zoom Session Creative Writing with Cat

For our Zoom session this coming Friday we thought we would try something a little different and and at the recommendation of one of our members; creative writing. The session will be led by Cat Lumb. Cat is an author and Writing Coach as The Write Catalyst, she’s also a Co-Director for Huddersfield Literature Festival, and a Museum Operations Manager. She works from a Plotting Shed in her garden with a mischievous Westie called Hugo the Destroyer!

During this online session she will offer a brief overview of how she tackled achieving her dream of becoming a published author whilst navigating the need to pace herself and accept her body’s limitations due to ME and Fibromyalgia. She will also create space for a selection of short creative writing exercises for members to try out – for both fun and wellbeing purposes!

This session will be split into short sections, with opportunities for exercises to be tried out in real time – or take a quiet rest break as members need.  

If you have questions about writing – fiction or non-fiction – Cat will leave some time at the end for members to ask for advice. 

Feel free to find out more about her on the following links: 

Amazon Author Page

Website & Blog: www.catlumb.com

Instagram: @TheWriteCatalyst

The Write Catalyst Facebook Page

Hope that gives you enough to work with. Will I be able to share my screen to put up some prompts etc – or do you need something sent in advance?
Let me know if you need anything else – you’re on my safe senders list now! Looking forward to it; how many people do you usually get attending the sessions?



As usual everyone is welcome for our sessions. We encourage people who come to a few of our sessions to consider joining each year but everyone is welcome and free membership is available to anyone on request.

Topic: Stockport ME Group Zoom Meeting
Time: Feb 14, 2025 11:00 London
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