Stockport ME Group Committee is aware that there seem to be more people who are neurodivergent in the group than is average within the population as a whole. This is consistent with research that suggests autistic people have more chronic health problems. We also are aware that some neurodiverse people have reported extra challenges in following condition management for ME/CFS and Long COVID because of issues they experience as a result of their neurodiversity. We feel this is both an interesting topic and also one that we can all benefit from a greater understanding of so that we can be more inclusive of neurodiverse people within our group. We are running a session this March with a member Rosalyn an autistic psychological therapist who has completed the National Autism Trainer Programme with the Anna Freud Centre.
Exact details of the session are still being finalised. We will also be running a session with The ADHD Foundation in June focusing on ADHD particularly as it relates to ME/CFS and Long COVID. Ideally we might have had a little more time between these two sessions but we felt this was such an important area to have a session on and it took a lot more attempts to find a suitable speaker than we had anticipated and then we ended up with two very promising speakers so we didn’t want to cancel either.
As usual everyone is welcome. As we do feel this is an area that it is important we all know about so we can provide effective peer support we do particularly appreciate attendance. As usual you can have your camera off if you wish. Non-members are welcome although we do encourage people to consider joining if you are not a current member.
A link will be added to the session in the week of the meeting ( but it is the same as our usual one).
Stockport ME Group is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Neurodivergence and ME/CFS
Time: Mar 14, 2025 11:00 Greenwich Mean Time
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