24th April Dr Robin Kerr GP with an expertise in ME/CFS

Action for ME have a range of private medical and related services that people can access where ever they are in the country. These include private GP appointments with Dr Robin Kerr who can do medical letters etc. for people as needed. They also have other services such as physio ( great for help with pacing) and chaplaincy.

This session will take place on Zoom on 24th April at 11am.

We have had a few members use the GP service and recommend it and from that we thought it would be great to have Dr Robin Kerr to do a Zoom session for us both so people know more about him so that they can consider using the Action for ME service and also so that he can share some of his expertise with us and answer any questions any of us have. Many of us struggle to get access to any GP/consultant type medical expertise so this might be a great opportunity to have your questions answered.

We have a lot of meetings happening at the moment partly as a result of some funding but also because some sessions that we were trying to arrange for our Friday sessions could not take place on Fridays but seemed too good not to have anyway even at a different time.

The link will be added here nearer the time.

You do not need to be a member of Stockport ME Group to attend this session and everyone is welcome. You can have your camera on or off. You can be in your bed etc. Whatever is best for you. We to ask that if people are attending several of our meetings and they have not already done so that they consider joining our charity as without membership donations we could not do much of what we currently do.