Every second Friday of the month we have a Zoom meeting at 11am. Everyone is welcome to these sessions although we do encourage people who come to them more than a few times to consider joining or donating to Stockport ME Group as we depend on these monies for much of what we do.
With these sessions we try to have some of the committee there early, usually from about 10.30am in case anyone wants to come and talk or has any questions they would like to ask and then the session starts at about 11am. These sessions always have some structure. Often we have a speaker and when we don’t we often have facilitated discussions on a particular topic or some other planned activity.
July will be a hypnotherapist, August will be an informal social “garden party”, September will be Ann Innes, Naturopath, October will be Dr Sheppard, Medical Advisor for The ME Association and November will be our AGM.
The Zoom link for the session is always the same so you can use one from a previous meeting and it will be posted here nearer the time. People can come to these sessions with their videos off or on as works best for them. You can be in bed in your PJ’s if you want, no-one will judge just do what is best for you. Sessions usually finish about 12 noon and often people stay a little longer if they want to chat but you are free to leave any time you wish. The sessions are intended for anyone with ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia or Long COVID and also people who care for people with these conditions. Whilst we are called “Stockport ME Group” you can be anywhere in the world and join in.