November 11th: AGM on Zoom

We will have our AGM online as a Zoom meeting. We had originally planned that this meeting would be a hybrid meeting taking place both face to face and online at the same time but as a group we are not yet feeling we are quite at a point for returning to formal face to face meetings.

The AGM is expected to take 20-30 minutes and gives us a chance to go through briefly what we did in the 21-22 year and what we are planning for the year ahead. We also go through the accounts and appoint office holders.

We would always encourage people who have ideas or issues with Stockport ME Group to raise them directly with a committee member as formal meetings with 20 or so people online are not always the best place to consider new ideas or issues.

We have not decided yet what we will do once the formal meeting is finished. In the past we have sometimes run a quiz and we have sometimes split up into discussion groups and we have sometimes used break out rooms for an informal chat. If you have an idea for what you think would work well for 20-30 minutes then do feel free to reach out to us.

This event will use our usual Zoom details and a link will be included here nearer the time.