Art and Craft Box Zoom Sessions

We have set up provisional activities for the different sessions of the art & craft boxes.  There is a small chance that these will change fairly short notice if a facilitator is unavailable. but these are likely to be what is done in each session.

If you do not have a box details are available on what you might want to get to join in, and for those who have a box it will help show what you need from a box for a given week.

Sharing your creations
There will be time at the start and end of each session where you can share your creations with others.  In advance of the first week we have set a challenge with the box for people to bring in if they wish for the first week.  People can also post pictures in our Facebook group or email if you are happy for your creations to be shared in our newsletter or on our website.

Format of the sessions
The sessions will start at 7.30pm – The first 15 minutes will be people sharing their creations and also we will have invited people to each of the weeks after the first one to share particular arts and crafts that they like to do. Then about 7.45pm the activity of the session will be shown and people will split up into smaller breakout rooms ( where cross chat is easier) and people will do the activity of the session for up to 1 hour. It is anticipated week 1 this will be more like 30-40 min. Afterwards we will return as one group and people will get a chance to show what they have made and for there to be some cross chat. In future weeks people might share arts and crafts they have made or like to do with others during this time.

In advance of week 1
Self PortraitA4 paper and origami paper ( or anything around your house)
In the boxes there are some sheets of A4 paper and some origami paper.  We are encouraging people to do this one challenge in advance of the first session but there are alterative ideas below if this one does not speak to you.

Find objects about your house to make a self portrait.  You do not need to use the A4 sheet of paper to be part of your portrait or to frame your picture but it’s there if you want it to (I used a Go board to frame my one).  The portrait can be as abstract or representational as you wish.  You can do whatever creative processes and craft you wish or just position items like I have done.  Here is mine to give you one idea of how it could be done but feel free to do this however you wish whether its drawing, painting or whatever speaks to you (and your energy levels).  You can email, share on our Facebook group, show them in the meeting or just enjoy the process of creating them.  The end result can be a 3D still life to share live or a photograph. Alternative ideas are at the bottom

Week 1 – 11th October Tuesday evening – A4 sheet of paper – self representations , Introductions and mosaics. Mosaics will be made live during the session

Equipment – A4 sheet of paper (only if doing in advance) and mosaic stones, PVA glue, grout and wooden coaster.  Note if not using a box you could do any craft whilst joining us if you wished

Week 2 25th Oct – Raffia Weaving – Instructions are in the kit provided so you might want to look at them in advance of the session. I will show soap making & candle making at the start of the session.

To join in session people just need the raffia kit (The Range do the one we are using or a different one) and there will be soap and candle making stuff in the boxes for people to do afterwards out with the session.

Week 3 – 8th November  Macrame (note we have swapped weeks 3 and 4 around)

Equipment – A wooden dowel, macramé wool, ruler, comb and (not provided) scissors
If you do not have a craft box you should be fine with some macramé wool and maybe a comb, ruler & scissors. I will have spare dowels if it is easy for you to pick one up from Edgeley but something else could be used.

Week 4 22nd Nov Blanket sticking felt hearts (note we have swapped week 4 and 3 around)
Equipment/Materials – Felt hearts, Needle (tapped to bottom of Gu pot) and embroidery thread from the box are needed. There are 2 buttons included and if you have normal thread you might want to sew the buttons on, each side in the centre.

Week 5 Dec 6th – Card Making and craft sharing – Some craft sharing will take place at each of the different sessions but this is the session where there will be a bit more time for everyone who wishes to share arts and crafts they like to do as well as for people to share what they have created from the boxes. Also there will be some card making using the card blanks and other items from the boxes.

Equipment and supplies – Card blanks from the box and anything you wish!  Could be the charcoal and or watercolour set, could use the PVA glue and stick some things together.  Whatever you fancy.

Zoom details
If you have never used Zoom before I suggest you contact me for a quick practice as there is nothing worse than trying to use it first time with 20 or so other people and we wont be able to offer as much assistance when also trying to run a session for 10-30 people. Even just to make sure you have the sound and camera angles right its well worth doing this if you are not a Zoom Regular.

Stockport ME Group is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Stockport ME Group’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Oct 11, 2022 19:30 London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 777 116 5459
Passcode: smeg
One tap mobile
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+65 3165 1065 Singapore
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Meeting ID: 777 116 5459
Passcode: 071734
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This is for the first meeting in terms of date and time but it will be the same link that works for each meeting.

Other ideas for the A4 paper ( or origami paper

– What is the most interesting, unique or enjoyable idea you have for using a blank sheet of paper?

– You could make a peace crane or do some other origami

 – Charcoal or watercolour – you could also experiment or create something with the charcoal or watercolours in the box

– A triarama

This is made simply by folding across the diagonals and then cutting 1 line to the centre

It can work well for designing/describing a room, whether in your current house, or maybe a dream house.