12th May Zoom Session: Laughter Yoga with Laughing John!

The last time we did a session on Laughter Yoga it was when we were still holding meetings at the Toby Carvery. Barry Latham set up some videos for us to watch and by chance I think we had a Laughter Yoga practitioner in our midst who was able to do a little more with us. So we thought it was time for another session and this time maybe to do it in a little more structured way.

This session is at 11am on Friday 12th May on Zoom and log in details are at the bottom. Everyone is welcome to this session and whilst I suspect participation will be encouraged its totally fine if you want to have your camera off as always. Some of us will be joining from our beds lying down. However works for you is fine with us.

We encourage anyone considering coming regularly to our sessions or who is in a position to do so considers joining our group as we both depend on memberships to meet most of our on-going costs and also as members can have more input in which speakers we have and what other activities we do as a group.

Some people will start attending the Zoom from 10.30am if you want to chat with other people with ME/CFS, Long COVID and Fibromyalgia and we will also stay online for a little while after the meeting if anyone is wanting to chat, ask questions or just spend a little time with other people facing similar issues.

Stockport ME Group is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Stockport ME Group’s Zoom Meeting
Time: May 12, 2023 11:00 London

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