Friday 9th August Zoom Meeting "Garden Party" Social

This meeting will be a peer-facilitated discussion and sharing of ideas based around the general theme of favourite “ME friendly” recipes or healthy ready meals. Preparing meals and eating properly can often be a challenge for people with ME/CFS. So, we thought it would be a good idea to share some of our favourite easy recipes or nutritious ready meals. We would really appreciate it if, in advance of the session, you could share with us some of your ideas so that we can put together a bit of a slide show to help structure the meeting. Please send us your recipes or a picture of your favourite meal to Ben via his or PM him on Facebook. Note that they will be needed by Tuesday if they are to be included in the slide show but anything you put together nearer the time can be shared on the day.

As usual everyone is welcome, come as works best for you whether that is camera off or on, whether you are in your bed or garden. If you do attend multiple of our sessions then please consider joining or making a donation to help us to continue what we are doing.

Stockport ME Group is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Stockport ME Group August Zoom “Garden Party” Meeting
Time: Aug 9, 2024 11:00 London

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