Friday 8th July: Ben Wickens on Breath Work for Breathing Pattern Disorders, ME/CFS, Long Covid and Dysautonomia

Due to a last minute change of plan Our second Friday of the Month Zoom session will be run by our co-chair Ben Wickens. As usual the session will be at 11am but there will be people joining the chat from as early as 10.30am. The session will be on Breathwork for Breathing Pattern Disorders, ME/CFS, Long Covid and Dysautonomia. Many people with ME/CFS and Long Covid have breathing pattern disorders and breath work can help overcome these.

For those wanting to talk more specifically about ME/CFS or Long Covid there will be options before the session formally starts as well as afterwards.

We want to stress that everyone is welcome to join in this session and they are welcome to come very much as they are. If you do not want to show their videos that is fine. If you hair is a mess and your makeup has not been applied for weeks then that is fine. If you are lying in bed, no problem. No-one is going to judge you and in fact you doing so will help others to feel more comfortable about joining in whatever way they most easily can.

You do not need to be a member to join in one of our sessions but we do ask that if you come along to several of our sessions you consider joining or making a donation as that helps pay for speakers, Zoom costs and other running costs for all the work Stockport ME Group does.

If you have not used Zoom before and want to do a trial run then someone from the committee can do a practice session with you. If you want to join by telephone then we can message you with a number that will work for the session.

The log in details are the same as those for most of our Friday sessions and are below:-…Meeting ID: 777 116 5459 Passcode: smeg