Friday 12th August Zoom "Party"

August Meeting Friday 12th August

Pre-Covid our August meeting was traditionally a “Garden Party” get together in Shirley’s house or garden for coffee and cakes. However, because we know that not everyone is comfortable meeting face to face at the moment, as was the case last year, we will meet online instead.

To give the meeting a relaxed and informal feel and provide the opportunity for plenty of chatting, the plan is to have a bit of general chat at the start followed by a quiz and then for us to go into breakout rooms where people can chat in smaller groups. In the quiz, there will be a music round, some general knowledge and even some garden-related questions to give the morning a bit of a garden party theme.

Everyone is welcome. It will be a good chance to catch up with old friends, make new ones and share your experiences.

….. and on the plus side we won’t even have to keep checking the weather forecast!

You will be able to login after about 10.30am if you would like to join us for a chat before the actual meeting starts at 11am

Join Zoom Meeting…

Meeting ID: 777 116 5459

Passcode: smeg