GMICP Funded Events

We were fortunate enough to receive almost £1200 in funding from Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership through a fund administered by GMCVO. This will be for a series of events taking place in the first six months of 2024. These events area all intended for people with ME/CFS, Long COVID and Fibromyalgia as well as people who care and support people with these conditions. The funding is for Greater Manchester residents although we will also welcome people from slightly further away such as East Cheshire.

For many events we expect people to join our group and make a donation or membership contribution if they are coming to more than one or two events. For these events however that is not the case and we welcome and encourage anyone to come along if they thing the event is right for them. Most of the events will be taking place on Zoom.

Adapted Yoga with Felicity Leigh – These zoom sessions will run each Monday at 2.30pm for 6 weeks starting at the beginning (4th) of March. There are 2 extra sessions for Stockport ME Group Members & other people based in Stockport in January. You need to completed and send Felicity a health questionnaire a few days before attending your first session but everyone is welcome to attend once they have done that. Click on link for more information.

Cultural Zooms – We are arranging a couple of talks/sessions with local cultural centres that can take place via Zoom. One session we have arranged is for a Zoom with Chester Zoo. This will be 1.30pm on Wednesday April 17th. We are finalising dates and which organisations will be involved for the second event. Details will be added here in due course as well as links to more information.

Twisted Trees Productions Creative Zoom Sessions – These will be 25th April, 16th May and 6th June at 1pm. These sessions are on Thursdays 3 weeks apart. Previous Zoom sessions with Twisted Trees have been very popular

Face to Face art/creative session(s) – We are doing a session in Cheadle Heath again with Make Good. They are situated a couple of doors down from Aldi. This will be April 9th at 1pm. We are also arranging a Forest Bathing session which will be on 1st May at 11am more details on both events will be available soon.

Past events
Embodiment Sessions with Alys – This is was a group of six sessions and people who sign up will sign up to all of them. They were on Wednesday’s 3pm-4pm starting on 24th January. Sessions are still going on at time of writing but not open to new participants. There is a £10 contribution expected for these sessions in part to fund some extra people to attend but mainly so we do not have a situation of someone signing up, not attending and taking a space from someone else who could benefit from the sessions. This is the second group of sessions we have ran with Alys and the first was very well received. “Embodiment” is a bit of a hard concept to explain but I would describe the sessions as a mix of mindfulness, relaxation, breathing exercises and very gentle movement. Places will be allocated first to a small group of people who wanted to do the last group of sessions but there was not space for, then people who did not get to do the last sessions then anyone who wants to do the sessions. After a couple of weeks since these sessions are advertised it will be on a first come, first served basis as long as people apply by filling in the form in the link and paying the deposit/contribution.