Membership Form Landing Page

Thanks for completing the form for Stockport ME Group membership.  If you have any questions about the group or there is anything that you want advice or assistance with please do let us know and we will do what we can to help. 

We have not been able to easily add a payment option to the online form so need to send the request seperately here.  If you have already paid then please ignore this paragraph.  We get very little grant funding and depend on membership fees and donations to meet most of our costs.  Our membership renews around about October so at this point in the year I would suggest people pay £6 rather than the full £12 but you are welcome to pay any amount you wish whether it is more or less and if you wish to have a free membership then that is fine too.  If you do wish a free membership then please let us know and we will not send out a payment reminder for this year.  You can pay through this link via paypal or do direct bank transfers with these details:-   Stockport M.E. Group, sort code 01-01-14 account 32699565

If you are on Facebook then we do recommend you consider joining our Facebook group.  We have about 200 active members and it is a great place to ask questions and share experiences without getting your Facebook feed clogged up with too many posts each day.
