October 14th Zoom: Working with ME

For our October Zoom meeting, our committee member Kiera Gould will be talking about the duties of employers to make adjustments for people living with disability or long-term health conditions. She will talk about disclosing a disability or health condition during a recruitment process or to colleagues and give examples of many possible adjustments which can be requested at work. We will cover an employer’s duty under the Equality Act (2010), and how to get funding to put these in place.

This session will be presented by our committee member Kiera Gould. Kiera is one of our more well members having mostly recovered from ME over a period of 15 years, although she also lives with chronic pain from Ankylosing Spondylitis. She has worked and studied since developing ME and can share her own experiences in a number of different workplaces. There will also be time for discussion.

This will be at 11am although you are welcome to join in from 10.30am for an informal chat before the meeting formally starts. As usual with our Zoom meetings if you are unfamiliar with Zoom we are happy to help someone get familiar on a date prior to the meeting. We can give out telephone access if anyone wants to join in and doesn’t have access or the technical knowledge to use Zoom. You don’t need to be dressed, you don’t need to have your camera on if you don’t want to, you can be lying in bed. Just do what ever is best for you and you will be welcome.

Zoom details (for all of our meetings mentioned in this issue) are Meeting ID: 777 116 5459 Passcode: smeg and links will be emailed out to members and put on our website and Facebook Group.