Friday's from 15th July: Operatic Breathing Sessions with Judit Felszeghy

Stockport ME Group is running Operatic Breathing sessions by Judit Felszeghy. She has been running sessions for over a year for people with Long Covid. To quote Physio for Breathing Pattern Disorders:
“Just as Breathing is essential for life, breathing well is essential for health”

Many people with Long Covid have reported that their health and well-being has improved
from participating in Judit’s sessions. Every exercise can be done sitting, standing or lying
down. In Judit’s words:-

“During the session I raise their attention to the importance of self-regulation, so they
listen to their body’s needs and act accordingly. It is very relaxed, they don’t need to
worry about anything, and everything they do, feel, say or think is OK and welcome. If
they feel tired, they can change their position or just watch with the camera off, and
come back when they are ready again… these exercises can go into their toolbox and
be practised in their own time, as a self-help tool”

Who are these sessions for?
• Anyone who thinks that they might enjoy or benefit from these sessions.
• Anyone who has a breathing pattern disorder is likely to find these sessions particularly helpful.
• People with post exertional malaise may find that they are able to do slightly more with better breathing than they can currently do.
Breath work is also recommended by leading experts Dr Gupta, Dr Petrino and Dr Gale for dysautonomia.

Is there a cost involved?
Stockport ME Group are paying for the bulk of the cost of the sessions with a contribution from
Manchester and Trafford Peer Support Long COVID group. As a result, anyone who is a
member of Stockport ME Group or a participant in M&T Peer Support Long COVID group can
attend for free, although donations to the ME Group, towards these costs, is appreciated.

When and Where?
The sessions will run for 5 weeks.
Starting at: 2:00pm
On: Friday’s from 15th July 2022
Via: Judit’s Zoom account. Details will be shared out to members nearer the time

Please note: You do not need to attend every session although it is likely to get the most
benefit from the sessions it would be helpful to try to attend at least a few of them. Log in
details will be shared out in advance of the sessions.

What do I need to participate?
• Ideally a cushion
• A glass of water and a straw.
If you need to lie down for the sessions that is fine but if you are able to sit then a chair would
be helpful as would enough space to move a couple of steps forward and back and fully extend
your arms sideways.