Greater Manchester Integrated Care - Review of ME Services - Stockport ME Groups official submission

Stockport ME Group have been in discussions with Greater Manchester Integrated Care around the review they are undertaking of ME/CFS services with the NHS in Greater Manchester. In the interests of transparency we wanted to share this with people who are interested. We are able to do this because this document does not contain or reference any sensitive information that we have been told in confidence. There are times when we cannot share everything that we might know but always try to keep members as well informed as possible.

This statement was put together by a small number of volunteers, mainly from the committee with the committees approval to submit this on behalf of Stockport ME Group. General points were agreed by the committee prior to submission. It is drawn from recommendations and experiences that have been shared with us from our members over recent years. We would have liked to have been able to involve more members more directly and even present this statement to members prior to submission but this was not feasible given the timeframes that we were working to.

We have an on-going door always open relationship with Greater Manchester Integrated Care so if they want our input on issues we will try to give it. If you have any recommendations or ideas you would like us to be aware of we would welcome your input.