Creative Well-being Sessions with Twisted Trees Productions

Creative Wellbeing Sessions with Twisted Trees Productions

Twisted Trees Productions is Stockport based artists Ami Horrocks and Melanie Cove. We believe in the power of art to connect, heal and transform.

Stockport ME Group would like to invite you to three tailored made creative Zoom sessions run by Twisted Trees Productions, these are free to join and funded by the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership.

The purpose of the sessions is to enjoy mindful making together with thoughts and reflections inspired by art. We will consider how intentions and affirmations can support adaptability and positivity in a safe and supportive space.

No artistic skill is needed as these sessions are about using art as the starting point for reflection and simple, gentle, meditative making. Any materials needed will be readily found in the average home and artistically, any form or level of creative participation is allowed and encouraged.  

Ami and Melanie are qualified art teachers with years of experience working in schools, colleges and universities, as well as making art with the public. Melanie, who will be leading the sessions, also has Level 3 qualification in Counselling Skills. She is also a member of Stockport ME Group. 

As well as all Stockport ME Group members, we also welcome anyone in the Greater Manchester area with ME/CFS, Long COVID or related conditions such as fibromyalgia.

All sessions will be held fortnightly on Friday mornings at 1pm from 7th October 2022 for three weeks. Sessions will run for approximately one hour.

NB: Zoom log in details are

Stockport ME Group is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Stockport ME Group’s Twisted Trees Zoom Meeting
Time: Oct 21, 2022 13:00 London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 777 116 5459
Passcode: smeg
One tap mobile
+6531651065,,7771165459#,,,,071734# Singapore +6531587288,,7771165459#,,,,071734# Singapore

Dial by your location
+65 3165 1065 Singapore
+65 3158 7288 Singapore
+49 69 7104 9922 Germany
+49 695 050 2596 Germany
Meeting ID: 777 116 5459
Passcode: 071734
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Further Information:

Over the three sessions, we will travel through a day; Morning, Afternoon and Evening. We will look at a variety of works of art that relate to that week’s theme, make a simple art work ourselves with things found at home, whilst gently reflecting on our thoughts and feelings.

Session 1: Morning.

Friday, 7th October 2022, 1pm

Morning in the Garden at Vernonnet by Pierre Bonnard, 1917.

We will consider waking, mental chatter and anticipation. What is the sound of my internal dawn chorus? How do I achieve harmony rather than discord?

Session 2: Afternoon.

Friday, 21st October 2022, 1pm

Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat, 1884-1886.

We will consider expectations and activity. How do I approach my day? Be more cat or be more dog!

Session 3 Night.

Friday, 4th November, 1pm This is rearranged for 18th November 1pm.

In Bed, Edouard Vuillard, 1891.

We will consider rest and wellness. What does my fantasy bed look like? How do I define rest?

Over the course of 3 sessions we will provide:

  • gentle making with materials that can be found in the average home
  • reflections on works of art, both visual and written using slides that will be screen-shared
  • guidance on writing affirmations relevant to each week’s theme
  • opportunity for sharing with peers if so desired

The sessions will follow on from one week to the next, but will also function as stand alone experiences without the need for prior attendance.

As usual with our sessions we welcome you however you feel able and comfortable to do so, whether it’s in your PJ’s lying in bed with hair unkempt, whether it’s with the video off or on.  If you need to leave halfway through, no problem.  No-one will judge you and we will welcome you just as you are.

Zoom log in details

Stockport ME Group is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Stockport ME Group’s Twisted Trees Zoom Meeting
Time: Oct 21, 2022 13:00 London

Note – that the link will be the same for each of the sessions although below are the specific details for the first session.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 777 116 5459
Passcode: smeg
One tap mobile
+6531651065,,7771165459#,,,,071734# Singapore +6531587288,,7771165459#,,,,071734# Singapore

Dial by your location
+65 3165 1065 Singapore
+65 3158 7288 Singapore
+49 69 7104 9922 Germany
+49 695 050 2596 Germany
Meeting ID: 777 116 5459
Passcode: 071734
Find your local number:

Testimonials for Twisted Tree Productions:

“What a magical morning Melanie! You and Ami did a really wonderful job. Certainly put me in a very positive frame of mind. Thank you so much.”
“Many thanks for this morning. I thought your session was excellent. I really enjoyed it, it was an excellent blend of art and mental health wellbeing and it was clear that you had put a lot of thought into it. I don’t actually have ME but I have struggled with anxiety all my life and I found the activity very therapeutic.”
“I can’t quite put into words how soothing and wonderful that was for me. The whole package was so great.”

These sessions are made possible with funding from a GMCVO administered grant coming from what is now Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership.