Stockport ME Group helped create and run a research pilot looking at using Heart Rate Monitoring to assist with pacing and condition management. This work was done with Professor Davenport of Workwell Foundation and University of the Pacific, Dr Baker of Physios for ME and University of Liverpool and Harry Leeming of Visible.
As part of this work I supported many people in setting up and using Heart Rate Monitors to assist with condition management.
I really feel that there should be many more resources on this important topic and I have tried hard to do what I can to rectify the situation. Workwell Foundation does produce an excellent 1 page summary of their thinking and research on the topic and I do recommend that to people but it is both too dense and too insufficient for many.
The guide I have been working on and off for the last 18 months or so is here. This is free for everyone but I do hope to revise it over the course of time to make it more user friendly and in places more comprehensive. I am also looking to collaborate with someone good with graphics ( or drawing) to try to create something that is much simpler and less daunting to look at. As I update the guide I will put the latest version up here.
I would not have been able to do this guide without Stockport ME Groups support. We funded many of the devices that people used in the project and it was through the experiences of dozens of people that this guide was put together. The ideas and recommendations in it ( except where referencing a different source) are my own.
Feedback is appreciated. I do hope at some point to recruit some volunteers to help edit the guide to make it even better but I want to finish my own tinkering and developing of ideas first.
Co-chair Stockport ME Group