Launch of Heart Rate Monitoring Research Project

We are pleased to announce that the Heart Rate Monitor research project we have developed in collaboration with Physiosforme, The Workwell Foundation, Visable and other organisations and individuals is now open to recruiting participants. If you are interested then please contact Dr Baker in first instance although Ben is happy to answer many questions you may have.

Are you interested in trying heart rate monitoring to help manage your ME or Long COVID?

We are a group of researchers, ME and Long COVID advocates and people with ME and Long COVID who are organising a study to see if it is feasible to collect data on heart rate monitoring. We need 60 people to take part for 8 weeks. It will involve the researchers coming to your house and taking simple heart rate and blood pressure measurements, you will then take measurements for a week before starting the trial. Some of you will use heart rate monitoring and some will not. At the end of the trial you will take part in online interviews to discuss the trial.

If you are interested and would like more information please contact Dr Nicola Clague-Baker at the University of Liverpool – We recognise this is not a cure but would like to see if heart rate monitoring is beneficial for people with ME and Long COVID.
Best wishes
The research team
Dr Nicola Clague-Baker, Professor Todd Davenport, Mr Ben Wickens, Mr Harry Leeming, Dr Michelle Bull, Mrs Karen Leslie, Miss Natalie Hilliard and Mrs Kathryn Dickinson

To be eligible you must

  • live in Greater Manchester, Liverpool or Cheshire areas (United Kingdom)
  • fit the ICC criteria for ME or have Long COVID with Post Exertional Malaise
  • never have tried heart rate monitoring for pacing